Dyke Farm 

Planning Reference 055878

We understand that this application has been withdrawn from planning for the time being.

This is an active planning application for the installation of 24x 40 foot long shipping containers along with 12x 40 foot electric transformers and the electrical equipment needed to connect to the overhead power lines.

The batteries are intended to store excess electricity from the grid and return it when there is a shortage. The application indicates that the power demand it is intended to feed is mainly Broughton retail park, Buckley and Mold, particularly the industrial areas.

The planning application talks about noise levels of 80db which is likely to be heard as a 'hum' for much of the village.

The planning application acknowledges that it should be installed on brownfield land, but that the cost of that land is too high, because it is preferred for housing.

It is not clear whether there is an underlying health risk from electromagnetic radiation or what the impact on facilities such as Wifi and mobile signals would be from the installation.

There is no benefit for the community in providing additional services, income or employment.

The deadline for objections is the 23rd September 2016.

View the full application and make comments / objections on the Flintshire Planning Website here

Planning Policies

These are some of the Planning Policies that may be worth quoting in your objection:

Flintshire UDP - STR7 Natural Environment
“The natural environment of Flintshire will be safeguarded by: protecting the open character and appearance of strategic green barriers around and between settlements

Flintshire UDP STR10 Resources
“Development will be required to make the best use of resources through : the utilisation of suitable brownfield land and buildings wherever practicable in preference to green field land or land with ecological, environmental or recreation value”

GEN1 General Requirements for Development
Development that requires planning permission and is in accordance with the Plan’s other policies, should be located on land, or within suitable buildings, which satisfies the following requirements:

a               the development should harmonise with the site and surroundings in terms of the siting, scale, design, layout, use of space, materials, external appearance and landscaping;

b               the development should take account of personal and community safety and security in the design and layout of development and public/private spaces;

c                the development should not have a significant adverse impact on recognised wildlife species and habitats, woodlands, other landscape features, townscapes, built heritage, features of archaeological interest, nor the general natural and historic environment; the development should not have a significant adverse impact on the safety and amenity of nearby residents, other users of nearby land/property, or the community in general, through increased activity, disturbance, noise, dust, vibration, hazard, or the adverse effects of pollution;